Northwest Art Alliance
Dedicated to connecting the power of art, fine crafts, and community.

Nicole Flood

Nicole Flood - Flood Clothing

I create my work using 100% upcycled clothing as my source fiber. Each piece is made by hand, one at a time - completely crafting every single seam myself. My inspiration is to make timeless, elegant wearable art pieces that are well-crafted and exist outside the realm of traditional fashion. I see clothing as art that can be used to spark conversation and joy. Every one of my creations is made from my own designs and hand-drafted patterns. Each part of the garment is cut one at a time and constructed using professional grade construction techniques. There is no part of my work that is simple modification of a preexisting garment. I am completely deconstructing the original clothing I use and making an entirely new garment from scratch. I see second hand clothing simply as a sustainable fiber resource.